Saturday, February 23, 2008

Our year of the theatre 2

Now however we are back into theatre in a big way. This is partly practical. With Grandma living with us we have to think of things 'to do'. As she is not into walking on freezing beaches looking for gulls and dislikes science fiction, dinosaurs, monsters, modern art, radio comedy and Terry Pratchet we don't have much in common. However she does like theatre. And with the National now accessible to your average punter again thanks to the Travelex £10 seasons (hurrah) and two good local theatres in Ilford and Hornchurch we are going practically every week. Thursday night is our theatre night and Grandma is gradually getting used to the idea that we won't die if we go out after dark. Anyway we have had a great time. Here are some of the plays we have seen and a grandma rating.
At the National
A matter of life and death*****- a most extraordinary spectacle complete with bicycles, crashing planes and fires on stage.
St Joan ****- Great theatre effects, music and battle scenes, let down by long winded Shavian discussions on true freedom and the evils of nationalism in the first half. But it was alright because Grandma just dozed off and woke up in time for ice cream in the interval so she missed the boring bits.
Present laughter *****- for New Years Eve - really did deserve the word 'sparkling' and Grandma loved it for its 30s settings 'the frocks were just right'

At Ilford's own (our very own) Kenneth More ....
Stepping out ****- the life and times of a tap dancing class. Very funny.
Underneath the arches ****- another hit with Grandma as she sang along with Flannegan and Allan hits of the 40s
Fiddler on the Roof *****- Wow! It was so good we all cried.
Allo Allo **- lot's of slapstick and risque jokes with German sausages. So-so.
Improbable fiction**** - I thought this story of a writers group with collective writers block who get caught up in each others stories one dark and stormy night was very funny. Lots of literary in jokes and poking fun at the whole process of being a writer.
The unexpected Guest* - ancient Agatha Christie thriller showing its age. Won't be asked back.

Queens theatre Hornchurch

Corpse**** - comedy thriller with lots of murders just out of sight, mistaken identities and bodies that wouldn't stay dead.
Old Tyme Music Hall *****- Grandma just loved it. I think I was probably the youngest person there and grandma probably wasn't the oldest! We even had oldies on stage - one amazing guy did this juggling act and told jokes at the same time. He must have been at least 80!
Dick Barton Secret Agent *****- described as Stiff-upper lip meets tongue-in-cheek this was a musical spoof of the old Dick Barton Radio shows of the 40s. Half the fun was picking out the songs, they had parodies of everything from the Mikado to the Three Tenors. Six actors played all the parts and did all the music. Oddsocks meets James Bond.