Saturday, May 28, 2005

On naming a blog

Well this is one more thing my daughter has persuaded me into. From the joys of new kitchen cleaners years ago to instant messaging (?) more recently she has introduced me to all kinds of new ideas. She has done her best to keep me at the forefront of technology! Keep at it Clare!

When I thought about naming a blog I thought of what's really me, what has always been important and I think an interest in gardening and wildlife has just always been there, even when I was little. I was never squemish about creepy crawlies, mostly I think in rebellion at the idea that little girls were supposed to be scared of spiders, mice etc. I didn't want to be like other 'little girls' I wanted to be a tomboy like my hero George in the Famous Five stories. I loved exploring our London garden and turning over stones and finding things, digging up worms and looking for ladybirds. I so wanted to be in the country so I did the best with what I had! My mum was very brave and supportive and always pretended to be interested in my various 'pets' and NOT squemish even though she confessed years later that she was. So I will base my thoughts around a virtual garden. Unlike my real one it can extend anywhere.