Thursday, March 09, 2006


A few degrees of warmth, a little rain... and like magic the frogs are back! Today there must have been 40 in and around the pond. They are on the deck, on the path, in the grass, in the flowerbeds..... the frog pond is a seething cauldron of legs and heads. I keep hauling them out of the fish pond with the net, worried that they'll grab hold of the koi and suffocate them but the minute my backs turned there are more in there.I am sure they get louder every year too, urrrrr, urrrrr. You go out the door walk down the steps and there's a frantic splashing and hopping as they all try to get back in the pond at once.
It really is extraordinary how they all emerge at once. No wonder medieval people thought they spontaneously generated.....
Am trying to tame our pair of robins and a blackbird by bribing with mealworms. I've got to within about an arms length.

Love Song

My rock
You took a dry seed
Cracked yourself
Gave me room to root
Tucked me under your skin
Kept me fast through sun and storm.
Dissolved a little, cumbled a little of yourself
Gave me soil to grow.

I would dig you deeper
Crack you
Cover you
Spread you full of flowers
Turn and twine myself into your very heart-
Till who should try to break us heart from heart
(Our strength so bonded stem and stone are one)
They could not find a crack at which to start
Or tell where rock is ended, root begun.