Monday, October 03, 2005

Waddesdon Manor

Well I went and enjoyed someone else's garden today, my own being a total mess due to deep digging in the borders and general rearrangement. We went to Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire, home of the Rothschilds. gorgeous day for a walk and loved the manor. Don't often like stately home furnishings but this was very nice, lots of crimson and ivory, Dutch water colours etc.
Gardening on palatial scale, scultptures and fountains, lots of chilly ladies emerging from ponds etc. My favourite was a sedum bird, a huge wire scuplture of a bird that had plants growing over it, succulents and sedums. Also they had a planting scheme that was set out to make a picture of several bars of music. Actually the only bit I would have liked to bring home was the huge roccoco aviary, full of exotic birds, and several trees, and about 10 acres of the grounds to put them in....
Pond still ghastly pea soup colour. UV purifier working full stretch but not much change yet. Fish seem happy enough, just can't see them!


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