Wednesday, September 28, 2005

french class

I've joined a French class! Us tutors get a freebie course so I've joined post GCSE french. Only had one class but it seems about right. I could actually understand most of the written stuff and enjoyed practising my speaking and listening which is what I really want. I sat at a table with some other mum types and we worked our way nervously through je m'appelle and being mariee and des enfants and onto les professions. I managed professeur de mathematiques (which sounds much posher than numeracy tutor) but we came to a halt with one lady who was a development manager. We settled for manager de development in the end. If in doubt use Franglais.
The two other ladies both owned properties in France but complained that the local people couldn't understand them. I made suitably polite noises but as they both spoke with broad Dagenham type accents in both languages I wasn't actually surprised.
Anyway I'm full of enthusiasme and off to buy a book. One more thing on my life list finally getting underway.


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