Sunday, July 17, 2005

Garden Party

Brendan said:
I'd like a birthday party.
Mum said:
That's nice dear.
What sort of party?
And Brendan said:
I thought of having
A dinner party
A garden party
A proper sit down scrubbed up party.
If dad could do his famous fish pie
Or salmon thing?
With a few friends
About twenty I thinkā€¦
With a magic theme
and a bonfire!
and melted chocolate to dip marshmallows
and bananas and things
I want everybody to learn a magic trick and show it to their neighbours
and we can go down at midnight and buy Harry Potter
if we're still up
Ha Ha
and walking
And could you make twenty fabric magic bags with secret compartments?
and we'd better put up the gazebo in case it rains
in fact we'd better borrow another gazebo...
and we'll put the tables on the grass arranged in a star.
I'm sure we've got enough tables
We'll just take the one from dad's office. He won't mind will he?
It's only got the printer, the phone, the paper stack and half the computer.
Not like he needs it.
And could you frame all my paintings and hang them up before Friday so people can see them?
We need twenty sundae dishes
and at least three dozen glasses
and there's not enough plates
I've counted.
Something to make punch in...
There's this great recipe I got off the internet
Three pints of double cream
Lights! Lots of them
fairy lights hanging in the gazebos.
Have you seen my magic wand?
And all the chairs
how many chairs do we have?
A bottle of Baileys
Two bottles of Baileys
More chairs!
Actually, could you make that twenty four magic bags?
lots of crushed ice
Do we have a cauldron?
and white linen tablecloths would be nice
and napkins
and candles.
Five limes
Five lemons
A dozen oranges
Two bottles of white rum
Four square yards of black felt
and three yards of blue polycotton
and a dozen plastic frogs
and five bottles of burgandy
Lets put the settee on the deck!
and by the way probably about nine people will want to stay overnight. I've said we can put them up, that's alright isn't it?
to make sangria of course
If we had an extension lead we could run the food processor outside.
For the crushed ice.
Did I mention the rum?
Party poppers!
You said we had loads of party poppers.
Oh, those party poppers..
John wants to go home at 1am would you mind giving him a lift?
And I think we should make up all the beds beforehand because people will be tired...
You didn't want those two bottles of Baileys in the back room did you?



How are the magic bags getting on?


At 7:33 PM, Blogger Brendan said...

Thanks mum! :) hehe


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